Amazing facts on nature

{ Posted on 3:00 AM by Khalique General Knowledge }
- Rats can't vomit. That's why rat poison works so well.

- A hippo can run faster than a man can.

- A jellyfish is 95% water.

- A blue whales heart only beats nine times per minute.

- Some ribbon worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food.

- Flies jump backwards when they take off
Some Frogs smell of onion, and the Firebellied

-Toad smells of Garlic.

-You cannot get warts from toads!

-Toads have no teeth.

-Frogs have teeth on their upper jaws but none on their lower.

-The Bull Frog is the largest True Frog in North can weigh up to 1.2 lbs and grow up to 18 inches long.

-The African Giant is the largest of all frogs.It can grow to 26 inches long and weigh as much as 10 lbs

-It's possible to lead a cow upstairs ... but not downstairs.

-Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike.

-The average cat consumes about 127,750 calories a year, nearly 28 times its own weight in food and the same amount again in liquids.

-Cats cannot survive on a vegetarian diet.

-Pet parrots can eat virtually any common "people-food" except for chocolate and avocados.
Both of these are highly toxic to the parrot and can be fatal.

-Elephants too run(sorry walk) faster than humans.

- Dolphins seem to have personal names.

- A tiger's stripes are unique.

- Lions and cats sleep more than 16 hrs per day.

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