Glimpses of World History

{ Posted on 12:01 AM by Khalique General Knowledge }
Multiple Choice Quiz with Answers

  1. Zimbabwe attained independence in
    1. 1975
    2. 1979
    3. 1980
    4. 1981

  2. World War II commenced in
    1. 1930
    2. 1935
    3. 1939
    4. 1940

  3. World War I commenced in
    1. 1904
    2. 1908
    3. 1910
    4. 1914

  4. Why did Pakistan leave the Commonwealth in 1971?
    1. Due to Russian interference in Afghanistan
    2. Due to recognition of Bangladesh
    3. Due to Indo-Pak war
    4. None of these

  5. Who drafted the ?Declaration of American Independence?
    1. George Washington
    2. Thomas Jefferson
    3. Karl Marx
    4. None of these

  6. Which was the Napoleon?s last battle in which he was captured and exiled to St Helena?
    1. Battle of Trafalgar
    2. Battle of Waterloo
    3. Battle of Austerlitz
    4. Battle of Leipzig

  7. Which country suffered the maximum in World War II?
    1. France
    2. Germany
    3. Japan
    4. England

  8. Which among the following battles was not fought by Napoleon?
    1. Battle of Waterloo
    2. Battle of Leipzig
    3. Battle of Trafalgar
    4. Battle of the Jutland

  9. When was the War of American independence fought?
    1. 1770
    2. 1772
    3. 1775
    4. 1776

  10. When was the ?Declaration of Rights? drafted for American independence?
    1. 1774
    2. 1775
    3. 1776
    4. 1778

  11. To which of the following countries did Karl Marx belong?
    1. Italy
    2. Yugoslavia
    3. Russia
    4. Germany

  12. The War of Roses in European history is associated with the
    1. War between England and France
    2. Civil war in England
    3. Anglo ? Spanish War
    4. War between Prussia and Austria

  13. The war of American Independence was fought between
    1. North America and South America
    2. Britain and North America
    3. France and America
    4. Canada and South America

  14. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in
    1. 1914
    2. 1920
    3. 1928
    4. 1919

  15. The Treaty of Versailles ended the
    1. World War
    2. World War II
    3. French Revolution
    4. Russo ? Japanese War

  16. The second atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on
    1. Aug. 6, 1914
    2. Aug. 9, 1945
    3. Aug. 6, 1943
    4. Aug. 9, 1943

  17. The Hundred ? year War was fought between
    1. France and Germany
    2. Germany and Austria
    3. France and England
    4. England and Austria

  18. The Hundred ? year War fought between Franc and England was started by
    1. Edward III
    2. Henry V
    3. The Duke of Normandy
    4. Joan of Arc

  19. The first atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on
    1. Aug. 6, 1945
    2. Aug. 9, 1945
    3. Aug. 9, 1946
    4. Aug. 6, 1942

  20. Scientific Socialism is connected with
    1. Rousseau
    2. Roosevelt
    3. Bismarck
    4. Karl Marx

  21. Queen Maria Theresa is associated with the
    1. Civil war in England
    2. War of Austrian succession
    3. Seven ? year War
    4. Thirty ? year War

  22. Napoleon Bonaparte belonged to
    1. France
    2. Austria
    3. Germany
    4. England

  23. Kerensky was associated with the
    1. French Revolution
    2. Industrial Revolution
    3. Russian Revolution
    4. None of these

  24. Crusades were conducted during the period
    1. AD 1080 ? 1100
    2. AD 1088 ? 1200
    3. AD 1088 ? 1270
    4. AD 1270 ? 1300

  25. Crusades were conducted by European Christians to liberate Jerusalem from the domination of
    1. Seljuk Turks
    2. Palestinians
    3. Libyans
    4. Egyptians

  26. Crusades were
    1. Movement to spread Christianity
    2. Movement against Catholic Christians
    3. Movement against Protestants
    4. Christians to liberate the holy land

  27. Battle of Waterloo was fought in
    1. 1805
    2. 1809
    3. 1813
    4. 1815

  28. Bangladesh was created in
    1. 1970
    2. 1971
    3. 1972
    4. 1973

  29. ?Phoney War? is associated with the invasion by
    1. Japan of Norway and Poland
    2. France of Holland and Switzerland
    3. Germany of Norway and Denmark
    4. Britain of Holland and Japan

  30. ?Boston Tea party? is associated with the
    1. French Revolution
    2. Russian Revolution
    3. American Independence
    4. Independence of Egypt

  31. All of the following were true concerning absolute monarchs EXCEPT
    1. Ultimate state authority resided in them
    2. They claimed to rule by divine right
    3. They lacked a bureaucracy to assist them
    4. They could make laws

  32. In central Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries
    1. The Thirty years War strengthened German
    2. The region was highly commercialized and based on capitalism
    3. Strong monarchies prevailed
    4. Thirty Years War began modern state system

  33. Capitalism is characterized by all given below EXCEPT
    1. The elimination of financial risks
    2. Private ownership
    3. The ability to make profits
    4. The laws of supply and demand

  34. The enlightment was
    1. Unrelated to Scientific Revolution
    2. Believed in basic goodness of human nature
    3. Was incompatible with feminism
    4. Was a global movement

  35. The regime of Mikhail Gorbachev differed from that of Brezhnev in that Gorbachev
    1. Closed churches in Soviet Union
    2. He prevented private ownerships
    3. He imposed strict censorship
    4. He allowed elements of a market economy

  36. The African National Congress
    1. Was formed after the age of new imperialism
    2. Was accused of Communist leanings by the South African government
    3. Decreased its activism after Sharpeville Massacre
    4. Had less support from other nations

  37. Which country changed allegiances between World War I and World War II?
    1. Russia
    2. Japan
    3. China
    4. Spain

  38. Post-World I territorial changes
    1. Rewarded Russia with territorial gains
    2. United Austria and Hungary
    3. Crated the Polish Corridor from German territory
    4. Strengthened the Ottoman empire

  39. Because of their common history of feudalism, both Japan and the nations of western Europe have a tradition of
    1. Industrialism
    2. Militarism
    3. Imperialism
    4. A strong executive

  40. The French Revolution
    1. Gave women the right to vote
    2. Gave France a permanent republican government
    3. Was successful in meeting all its goals
    4. Awakened republican goals among French commoners
1. c 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. b
6. b 7. c 8. d 9. c 10. c
11. d 12. b 13. b 14. d 15. a
16. b 17. b 18. b 19. a 20. d
21. b 22. a 23. c 24. c 25. a
26. d 27. d 28. b 29. c 30. a
31. c 32. d 33. a 34. b 35. d
36. b 37. b 38. d 39. d 40. d

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